7 Signs That A Person Has A Toxic Personality

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Everyone wants to live their lives as peaceful as possible. People want to work harmoniously and have fun without the drama and stress. However, there are people who just can't survive a day without causing negative vibes in their surroundings. This kind of person has a toxic personality.

Whether it is intentional or not, people with toxic personality causes avoidable drama and stress on other people around them. Sadly, they are everywhere. They can be in your workplace, in your circle of friends and even at home. They disrupt the peace everywhere they are. Here are seven signs to know if a person around you has a toxic personality.

He Despises People Who Succeed

A person with a toxic personality is an envious one. He hates it when others are praised or successful in something. However, he will never show that to you or the person who had succeeded. He will even smile at you and congratulate you for a job well done. You will even think that he is happy for you.

However, when you had your back turned, he is secretly planning on how to tear you down. He will study the causes of your success to eliminate them or used them to his own advantage. He will make sure that you will never be the best again.

An example of this is a production operation that consists of teams and each team had a leader. If a certain team leader was acknowledged by the management for his excellent work and leadership, the toxic team leader will try to cause dispute within that team. He will do this to disrupt the harmonious teamwork of the group so they will not succeed again. And also, in order for his team to get the chance of becoming the successful one.

Source: iStock

He Has Two Faces

Aside from being envious, a person with a toxic personality has two faces. One of his faces is the nice happy face. This is the face he shows to a certain person or group of people that he is required to treat with politeness. However, his other face portrays otherwise. His other face shows disrespect and annoyed,

An example of this is in a business meeting of shareholders. A toxic business owner will give a pleasing speech to his business partners and shareholders pointing out their helpful contributions to his company. But after the meeting, when he is only faced with his managers and close employees, he will spit out how lazy and uncooperative his business partners and shareholders are. He will also state how untruthful his recent speech was that if only he can do so, he will rub their shortcomings on their faces.

He Doesn’t Accept Criticisms

Other than having a toxic personality, a toxic person also has other flaws. He may not be good at something or may not have a good attitude. However, he does not like to talk about his flaws. He reacts neurotically to anyone who points out his flaws even if the person said it in a nice way. He will do and say things that will make that person look bad for calling him out.

He Loves Giving Unhelpful Criticisms

Though a toxic person does not like to be criticized, he, however, loves imparting his criticisms whether it is constructive or destructive. He treats people who could not accept his criticisms as if they are shallow, very sensitive or haughty. He also doesn't care where, when and how he will say his criticisms.

He Upholds Himself When Others Fail

Aside from gloating over other people's success, he also likes to bring the spotlight to himself when others flop. An example of this behavior is similar to a delivery driver situation. If one driver failed to deliver the products on time due to negligence or accidents, the toxic driver will boast that if only the task was given to him this would not have happened.

This attitude of a toxic person not only demeans those who had failed but also annoys others with his proud behavior. He obviously wants to be in favor. He doesn't care whether he will step on someone's reputation just to get what he wants.

Source: iStock

He Likes To Cause Drama

Another annoying sign if a person has a toxic personality is he likes to create drama. He can make the littlest mistake turn into big ones. He simply ignites a tiny flame to create a huge forest fire. His main intention is to show off his concern, making him appear responsible and on another term “the hero”.

An example of this is in a female group of friends. Girl A commented about Girl B’s tardiness in their get-togethers while waiting for her. Though Girl A meant it to be a joke, Girl X, the one with the toxic personality, will use this as an opportunity to cause a rift between Girl A and Girl B. Girl X will tell Girl B that Girl A is annoyed with her tardiness and that Girl A makes offensive jokes about Girl B while waiting for her. Girl B will definitely get mad at Girl A, therefore drama was created within the group. Girl X succeeded in her goal.

He Is Judgemental

A person with a toxic personality does not believe in the saying “Don't judge a book by its cover”, nor the saying “Do not judge anyone without the complete facts”. This behavior in a person is brought about by his shallowness and impatience. He does not care enough to know the full story or even try to understand the person.

An example of this is a situation between a teacher and a tardy student. The teacher punishes the student for being late without knowing why he is late. In reality, the student was late because he was selling bread around his neighborhood early in the morning for him to have money to go to school.

With these signs, you are now aware of these people. These type of people could be your boss, employees, family member, classmate, friends and even yourself. If you find yourself having these behaviors, stop for awhile and contemplate it. Luckily, a person with a toxic personality is still likely to change. If you think it's hopeless for a change, you can always find ways to deal with them.


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