How to Love Yourself Again?

Source: iStock
When we are young, life seems so simple to us so it was never hard to give love and love ourselves. However, as we grow old, we experienced things that affect us greatly. These things had made us degrade ourselves or even made us learn to hate ourselves. These things made us insecure and gloomy.

However, at one point, you will realize that it is not good to always feel unworthy and insecure. There are times it is better to love ourselves. Loving yourself is not always a selfish act but it is also a way to learn to appreciate ourselves and shut the negativity around us. Here is how you can love yourself again.

Forgive Yourself

You may have done a lot of things in the past that you are certainly regretting now. But it is not good to always sulk in a corner and keep thinking about how you are going to reverse your actions or keep lamenting about something that you cannot bring back. Stop! You are not perfect so it is normal for you to make regretful mistakes. However, do not let these mistakes rule your life. Grieve for it in a day then forgive yourself the next day.

Think of the Good Things About Yourself

Negativity is never good in our lives. So only think about the positive things in your life. In order to learn who to love yourself, it is best to know what kind of qualities you have that you really love about yourself. Whether they are your talents, your attitude, your thinking or even as simple as your hair, tell these things that you love to yourself. In the end, you will forget about your insecurities and you will instead appreciate the good things.

Stop Pleasing Others

There is nothing wrong with pleasing others. In fact, making people love or like you give us the feeling of belongingness that we all need. However, never make it the main goal of your life. Instead of pleasing others, please yourself. In this way, you can be fully happy about yourself.

Start Making Changes

If there are things you really do not like about yourself, then change it. Whether is it a physical aspect or an attitude you have, you can change it. However, never change these things because of others. Make changes about yourself because of you and you alone.
Source: iStock

There are lots of ways you can do in order to learn how you can love yourself again. But by following these few examples, you can already make a difference in your life. Everyone should learn to love themselves. Because just like what Whitney Houston in her song, learning to love yourself, is the greatest love of all.


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