
Top 4 Music Genre Most Played on the Radio

Music is life as a famous saying goes. Everyone would always want to listen to music and get updated with the latest songs. People usually listen to the radio to hear random songs that they may discover that they like.  Sources: Getty Images Almost all music genres are played on the radio . However, when people listen closely to the songs played on the radio, they will notice that a lot of songs in a specific genre is always played every day for years. Here are the top 4 music genre that is most played on the radio. R&B/Hip-hop RnB/Hip-hop has just recently become the number one most played genre on the radio. This may have been caused by the rise of many rap songs and rap artist that are really catchy and have controversial messages. R&B songs are more popular with the youth of this era which pretty much dominates the world audience of the music world. Rock The Rock music genre has been the number one most played on the radio since the year 1991.

4 Types Of Friends You Must Have in School

Going back to school may be challenging for students. After all, school is not only a place of learning but also a place of conflicts and difficulties. And these things must never handle alone. There can be social conflicts in school. Study conflicts are very common too and so as internal conflicts. Sources:  Getty Images In these cases, you would need someone to be with you. Someone who will have your back. Someone who will not only help you out but also will make school enjoyable. And that someone can be one friend or four different friends with a different personality. So here are 4 types of friends you must have in school. The Parent This type of friend is the one acts like your dad or mom. He/she is the mature one in your group of friends and the one who thinks about the welfare of the others. If you fell ill in school, he/she will be the first one to tell your teacher and help you to the school clinic. He/she will reprimand you if you are doing something wrong a

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do on the First Day of School

It’s back to school again. Whether you are a new student at your school or an old student returning, the first day of school will always be a new day. There will be new things around you and you will feel a sense of estrangement. There are things that you wanted to do on the first day of school, like making new friends or meeting up with old friends. However, there are also things you should not do on the first day of school. These may be very little things but these things can have a big impact on you and on your entire school year. So here are 5 things you shouldn’t do on the first day of school. Studying Source:  Getty Images You might be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t that what school is all about?”. Well not on the first day of school. If you plan to start studying in the library at your free time on the first day, well, there are things you should be doing. After all, that is what you’ll be doing for the entire school year so why not save it for the other re

Interested for Friendship: 4 Simple Ways to Find Out

“No Man is an Island.”. This saying may be said like a broken record but this is just pure truthfulness. We will always need someone to talk to and be with. Especially in new places and situations, we tend to socialize to feel belonged. Like in a back to school situation, we will meet new people even if we are an old student or a newcomer. We would want to make new friends. Source:  Getty Images However, there is also the case that the person you want to be friends with is not interested to be your friend. Of course, these people will never directly say to you that they don’t want to be friends with you and you may not notice. Luckily, here are 4 simple ways to know if someone wants to be your friend. Your Name Is… If you meet someone, introduce yourself by saying your name. If the person said your name too as if to confirm if he/she heard you right, then he/she is interested to know you. People tend to forget names immediately after a moment they heard the name. So

5 Things You Must Do on the First Day of School

You are probably excited to go to school again because you will see your friends again and hang out at school. You may opt to learn new things and thrilled to gain more knowledge and skills. Perhaps before school starts, you already made preparations for it like buying school supplies , reviewing lessons from last year or even keeping away your old school stuff to make room for your new school stuff. Sources:  Getty Images Moreover, there are things you have to do on the first day of school. Because what better way to start something new than on the first day itself. These things if done on the first day will definitely give you a clear vision of the entire year and a start boost in your school life. Here are the 5 things you must do on the first day of school. Set Goals It is important to set goals for your entire school year. Start setting them on the first day. It is up to you to decide about up to what extent will your goals be that you want to achieve before t

The Evolution of the Electropop Genre

In this era of computers and Internet, pretty much everything is done with the help of computers and the wide source of the Internet. Every person's regular tasks can now be done virtually. These tasks include studying, working, shopping, gaming, communicating and so much more, even composing songs. Source: Getty Images With the help of computers, composers do not need the help of real musical instrument to create the tune they want. Songs are now made through the editing of computers. Because of this upgrade, a music genre called Electro-Pop was born. Here is how the Electro-Pop began and how it evolved over the years. First Take of Interest The idea of creating music with the use of electricity had emerged as early as the year 1870. It was noted that the experimentation of electronic music had begun in that century. However, because of lack of knowledge, it did not make any progress until the arrival of the 20th century. Synthesizers The first attempt

How To Set Yourself Free?

Is there something holding you back? Is there something heavy in your chest that makes you feel like you are never happy in your life? Do these heavy feelings make you lose your motivation and make you feel like you are just dragging yourself to live? Source: Getty Images These kinds of feeling are something that makes you just want to crawl under a rock and hide away from the world. Never let these feelings dominate you. Let it go and set yourself free. Here is how can you set yourself free. Forgive Yourself This degrading feeling normally starts with you or something that you did. If you commit a mistake and you realized your wrongdoings, forgive yourself and bravely face the consequences. If you still can, try your best to fix your wrongdoings. If you have failed to do or accomplish something, again, forgive yourself, let it go and start over again. Learning to forgive yourself rather than beating up yourself is a much better thing to do. Forgive Others