5 Things You Shouldn’t Do on the First Day of School

It’s back to school again. Whether you are a new student at your school or an old student returning, the first day of school will always be a new day. There will be new things around you and you will feel a sense of estrangement.

There are things that you wanted to do on the first day of school, like making new friends or meeting up with old friends. However, there are also things you should not do on the first day of school. These may be very little things but these things can have a big impact on you and on your entire school year. So here are 5 things you shouldn’t do on the first day of school.


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You might be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t that what school is all about?”. Well not on the first day of school. If you plan to start studying in the library at your free time on the first day, well, there are things you should be doing. After all, that is what you’ll be doing for the entire school year so why not save it for the other remaining days. Just declare the first day as a No-Study day and just have fun and socialize.

Keeping to Yourself

This is not a good thing to do especially if you are a new student. Start making friends on the first day. It is good to have a good buddy around not only on the first day but also for the entire year of your stay at your school.

Being Late

This is one of the worst things you can do on the first day of school. Showing up late on the first day of school is not a good impression that you will make for your teacher. Your teacher will remember you and will always expect that you will be late for class. So in short, be early so you will not be branded as “The Tardy One”.


Whatever happens, even if you were called off by someone or you got hurt physically or emotionally, never cry. Those who will see you do so will think that you are a weakling, very sensitive and someone with problems. People will try to stay away from you, especially since the first day of school always has some good vibes so they will tend to refrain from bad vibes which are you.

Starting a Fight

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School, of course, is not a war zone so fighting is strictly prohibited. But starting a fight on the first day of school is an offense with greater consequences. Your fellow students will think you are a troublemaker and they will stay away from you. Your teachers, of course, will definitely be mad and would have you disciplined on the first day. Being brought to the guidance office on the first day is simply not a good thing that you would want everybody to remember.

Just keep in mind that whatever you do on the first day of school, will be what everyone will remember about you for an entire year or so. So give them all a good first impression and you will just have a fine school year.
