The Evolution of the Electropop Genre

In this era of computers and Internet, pretty much everything is done with the help of computers and the wide source of the Internet. Every person's regular tasks can now be done virtually. These tasks include studying, working, shopping, gaming, communicating and so much more, even composing songs.

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With the help of computers, composers do not need the help of real musical instrument to create the tune they want. Songs are now made through the editing of computers. Because of this upgrade, a music genre called Electro-Pop was born. Here is how the Electro-Pop began and how it evolved over the years.

First Take of Interest

The idea of creating music with the use of electricity had emerged as early as the year 1870. It was noted that the experimentation of electronic music had begun in that century. However, because of lack of knowledge, it did not make any progress until the arrival of the 20th century.


The first attempt of electronic music is with the use of synthesizers. These devices are simply attached to a keyboard to produce millions of different tunes in just one key. The said device was created in the year 1955 and had been further developed through the years. In the first day of the year 1968, Wendy Carlos had released the first synth-pop song. With the help of artist adopting this new genre, the synth-pop music had reached the mainstream music in the year 1972. It has been there since the beginning of the year 1986 when its popularity experienced a great decline.

Electronic Music Reborn

Electronic music was once again revived into the mainstream in the year 2000. This is the time where people are beginning to get fed up with rock music and had a switch to liking Pop music again. In the year 2003, electronic music had reached the mainstream again and had stayed there until now.

Hitting Billboards

Electronic music no longer experienced any drop in its popularity but instead, more and more artists used this genre in their music. The most notable artist that came about in 2008 that marked the beginning of the Electro-Pop music is Lady Gaga. She and the other artists like LMFAO, Calvin Harris, Owl City, the Black Eyed Peas and much more had put these Electro-Pop songs on the charts and billboards and also experienced to be at the number one spot.

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Nowadays, Electro-Pop has been very popular among the people especially the youth. It gave a new perspective on Pop music that people are actually enjoying. This gave DJs and remixers the chance to enter the mainstream music industry. These songs are definitely everywhere in the online music world.


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