Top 4 Social Media Sites Best for Marketing

Marketing is how businessmen sell their products to their targeted audiences. These people had been using all kinds of ways possible to make their products known to people. One of the ways they have discovered is by using social media.
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Social media had been discovered to be a very excellent platform in the business world. With billions of people using social media to communicate, it is a no wonder why businessmen used these sites to their advantage. Here are the top 4 social media sites that had been proven to best for marketing.


When it comes to product promotions, YouTube comes as the top 4. Videos are definitely eye-catching. That is why people invested in videos such as commercials to have their products promoted. However, creating a commercial is very expensive especially if it is aired on television stations. But with YouTube, these cutbacks the expenses. People can just post their promotional videos online. These business people can also see how many people had viewed their video. They can also see how many people liked and disliked their video. They can read and reply to the comments down below the video.


Instagram is a site where many images can be viewed. Users can like these images and even share it. It also has the following system where people can follow other members to see more of their pictures. In Instagram, it is all about having a great image. People can add links to their products/website on these images for users to know where to get the product shown in the images.
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Twitter also use the following system. Members must follow other members especially the famous ones to know their tweets. Tweets are really short and can have images and short videos.Marketers can use hashtags to make their tweets known. These hashtags must trend so other people can see it. A lot of people had been using this, that is why it came at second.


The best social media sites when it comes to marketing is none other than Facebook. In Facebook, a lot of things can be done like posting messages, images, videos, links and so much more. People can react and like to posts and also comment on it. The best part of it is that people can share this with others to make it more known to others. Facebook has almost 2 billion users. An active user can have at least 100 friends on this site. Imagine having one user share a post with his 100 friends and these friends also shared it with their friends which also has at least 100 friends. A post can be seen by more than 10,000 people in just a few clicks and minutes. No wonder Facebook is filled with ads.
Source: Getty Images
With these top 4 social media sites people can use for marketing, people especially small and new entrepreneurs can have a beginners guide to Social Media Marketing on this. They will know how these sites can help them boost their popularity and also their sales.


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