Prepare For It: Disadvantages of Using Facebook as a Marketing Tool

Source: Getty Images
Online Marketing had been a trend in this past few years. With the launching of lots of social media sites, more and more advertiser choose these online realms rather than the usual marketing tools they use. Advertising in the Internet world has been proven to be very beneficial. One of the most amazing social media platforms that advertisers like to market is Facebook.

Facebook is an online forum wherein users can interact with each other by sharing data like written posts, images, videos and much more. With about 2 billion active Facebook users, a business can be known around the world. However, if Facebook marketing has amazing benefits, it also has inevitable disadvantages. Here are some of them.

Easy Access

Facebook being accessible may be an advantage. But however, it has a downside. Anyone whether friend or foe can access the marketing materials that a business posted on their timeline. They can use these posts and share it with others in a way the business may not approve of. Other businesses can replicate artworks of other businesses easily.

High Maintenance

Having a Facebook page for a business can be really stressful. Daily update on the business and products are needed in order to keep their business page active. They will also have to answer to the comments and questions of their audience. They need someone or more to manage in maintaining the page. This can be very tiresome if the owner will do it and expensive if they hire someone else to do it.

Source: Getty Images

Advertisement Costs

There are hundred millions of posts posted on Facebook every day. Facebook users usually take 20 minutes when browsing through the newsfeeds before they get bored. With this reason, businesses worry that many people will not be able to see their page. In order for this to be solved, Facebook offers pinned ads where people can see your ad first before going through their account. However, this service is not free and are actually expensive due to high demand.

Almost No Control

As mentioned earlier, advertisement posts of a business are very accessible. Moreover, the very annoying part of it is that businesses have no full control on this. Anyone who does not find their business satisfying can just post anything on their page that can degrade the business. Before you can have the chance to delete it, it was already seen by hundreds or thousands of gullible people.

Many businesses had understood these cons in the Facebook world. They had also find ways to minimize the effect of these disadvantages. But in the end, marketing is about taking risks. Take the risks and be creative and any business can win a market share.
Source: Getty Images


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